It’s time to bring back Liberty and Justice for all in Pennsylvania. Those doing wrong need to be held accountable. Compensation for all who were wrongfully convicted. My son has done over 8 years because the arresting officer was related to the aggressor…
4 Years.. 4 Years of torture by the Dauphin County Courts bc of collusion, and many other crimes that I hold tangible evidence in proving. It has been beyond my level of intellect of the deplorable and just out right incompetence, also known as colluding. Pay to Play. Official Larping. I refuse to partake in it any longer. The shadow government exists, and I have full proof of fake “police” in the City of Hbg. A Judge who is so engrossed in corruption, ruling of children, should be put at Gitmo. The list goes on forever. And this just took place in November 17. I have reported all of them to multiple different people, outside of Pa of course, because how can you go to the corrupt to do anything, I learned that later on after my confusion to the lack of following the rules by them, when I was expected to, is when I realized, these people are a bunch of eff holes. Public, Public, Public, anyone dealing with this type of corruption, and you have factual evidence to prove your truth, then go Public. Exploit them. I refuse to participate in court corruption, but I sure will expose it!
It’s time to bring back Liberty and Justice for all in Pennsylvania. Those doing wrong need to be held accountable. Compensation for all who were wrongfully convicted. My son has done over 8 years because the arresting officer was related to the aggressor…
4 Years.. 4 Years of torture by the Dauphin County Courts bc of collusion, and many other crimes that I hold tangible evidence in proving. It has been beyond my level of intellect of the deplorable and just out right incompetence, also known as colluding. Pay to Play. Official Larping. I refuse to partake in it any longer. The shadow government exists, and I have full proof of fake “police” in the City of Hbg. A Judge who is so engrossed in corruption, ruling of children, should be put at Gitmo. The list goes on forever. And this just took place in November 17. I have reported all of them to multiple different people, outside of Pa of course, because how can you go to the corrupt to do anything, I learned that later on after my confusion to the lack of following the rules by them, when I was expected to, is when I realized, these people are a bunch of eff holes. Public, Public, Public, anyone dealing with this type of corruption, and you have factual evidence to prove your truth, then go Public. Exploit them. I refuse to participate in court corruption, but I sure will expose it!