The Scam of Family Court – March 7, 2019 Testimony – Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

The below testimony is in regard to the deceptive means of funding bloated, unsustainable government budgets, by repulsively extorting assets from unsuspecting citizens through the sham of the family court system. The “court” does nothing but impoverish families and convert personal property into lavish lifestyles  of greedy judges, public officials and government employees .


5 thoughts on “The Scam of Family Court – March 7, 2019 Testimony – Montgomery County, Pennsylvania”

  1. The so called “Gaurdian ad litems” that should should be transparent in their role to ensure a child’s best interest is met, yet use their position to ensure their payday is met, need to be held accountable.

  2. no badge, no “police impersonation”
    – whether or not having reported suspected human trafficking in “center city” Abington
    (across Route 611 from Rita’s Water Ice) had placed me “in the radar screen” with the PD,
    with regard to “Impersonating a Police Officer (‘False ID,’ other articles/dates),”
    there had never been any element of any crime,’
    yet, this Montgomery County deliberate disinformation continues
    to associate me (1:1 correlation) with child abductors, rapists, and murderers
    (e-mail me Baack.Alfred (at) GMail and I will send you “Police Impersonation” summaries)

    how many defendants who had truly been “not guilty”
    had been demanded as I had (not once but twice)
    to have accepted ARD (and to have admitted guilt for a crime
    the Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office had known, had not been committed?)!

    (PRAISE THE LORD, HE had given me the strength to stand up to the CORRUPT public defender – and I had said, “NO;” and all the judge had laid to my charge had been “defendant had a ‘cover’ over his (vehicle) license plate”)

    Dear Justice Kavanaugh:

    In having witnessed the sincerity and depth of your Judeo-Christian faith, as you had put it into practice, when having had your family pray for those who had so maliciously attacked your character, it is a baseless attack on mine, which brings me to “elevate” this matter to the Supreme Court of the United States. Please forgive me for detracting from the more pressing issues facing you; however, with numerous communications to the Office of the Clerk of Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania (CERTIFIED MAIL: 7014 0150 0001 7153 6779, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED and several/many e-mails) having gone unacknowledged, would you please address this [matter]? (actually, any testimony “less than truth” offered before a judge destroys the very foundation of our court system)

    To not be redundant in this communication, briefly, and as objectively outlined within the first two pages in the com-munication to United States Attorney William McSwain (CERTIFIED MAIL: 7017 1450 0001 4085 6229), it should be evident how, for a false charge/arrest (“Impersonating a Police Officer”) – and even though there had never been any element of any crime ever – the Montgomery County (PA) deliberate lie is given both license and credibility through the Internet account, which continues to associate me with child abductors (some for the purposes of sex slavery), rapists, and murderers. (“Police Impersonation” summaries, attached) Yet, for nothing other than, “(defendant) had a ‘cover’ over his (vehicle) license plate,” every aspect of my life has been – and continues to be – thoroughly decimated; and those, both directly and indirectly, responsible for this lie having been “continued,” refuse to rectify this [malicious prosecution].

    “Malicious prosecution” – with [Weisberg Law] having presented this to the federal judge, had the truth been told, it is the actions of Montgomery County, which would have been censured, not mine. (edited)

    Per “Memorandum:”

    Whether or not having inadvertently unveiled Chinese/Korean human trafficking
    in “center city” Abington
    and having reported this to Assistant United States Attorney Lunkenheimer
    (and then after his death, to the (Castor) District Attorney’s Office)
    had placed me “in the radar screen ” with the Abington Police Department,
    with regard to “Impersonating a Police Officer (‘False ID,’ other articles/dates),”
    there had never been any element of any crime ever.

    Please, Your Honor Kavanaugh, first pray for me; and then, please pray how this matter might be rectified; and, if within your jurisdiction, would you please counsel me?

    Yours sincerely,

    I COR 15:51-55 (KJV)
    Alfred Baack

    CERTIFIED MAIL: 7017 1450 0001 4085 6229

    United States Attorney William Miller McSwain 04/MAR/19
    Department of Justice
    U.S. Attorney’s Office
    Eastern District of Pennsylvania
    615 Chestnut Street
    Suite 1250
    Philadelphia, PA

    Dear United States Attorney McSwain:

    With numerous communications to the Office of the Clerk of Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania (CERTIFIED MAIL: 7014 0150 0001 7153 6779, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED and several/many e-mails) having gone unacknowledged, would you please address this [matter]?

    This matter [14-875 (17/SEP/14)] is ongoing as a direct result of the federal judge having been told everything except the truth

    ((18 U.S.C. Section 1621):
    the statute of limitations for perjury under federal law is 5 years
    and no more than 5 years imprisonment)

    and having made the determination, “[As] I have also discussed, the charge brought against him was supported by probable cause” (p. 9, d. Common Law False Arrest), regarding Montgomery County’s charge (CP-46-CR-0000643-2012 T1153574), “Impersonating a Police Officer (‘False ID,’ other articles/dates).”

    Unequivocally, had there ever been any (bona fide) probable cause initially, whatsoever, to have had me charged/arrested, for any crime (or any infraction of any law or ordinance whatsoever), then why, after having had me in the court system for roughly 20 weeks (NOV/11 to APR/12), and especially after my having refused ARD, had the prosecution then not compelled for testimony to some “element” of any crime, other than “(defendant) had a ‘cover’ over his (vehicle) license plate,” to have been presented?
    – there had not been (any)!

    According to a former chief of police in Delaware County, the “elements” of the crime necessary to “Impersonate a Police Officer” are: 1) the “statement of being police officer,” 2) a badge, 3) the respective ID, and 4) having endeavored to have “placed somebody under (your) alleged authority.” As well, having given further explication, “all of these components are absolutely necessary; and in the absence of any, this charge cannot be substantiated;” and, “without a badge, there is not any ‘police impersonation’.” With the Commonwealth/prosecution’s key witness (the guard) having established “no badge” during the preliminary hearing, where then had there ever been any justification to have “continued” this “Impersonating a Police Officer” action against me?

    With this having been the predominate rationale behind Weisberg Law having initiated this [14-875] on my be-half, had those, who had been representing Montgomery County told the judge the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth – and Weisberg Law had followed through in their obligation to have ensured this – the federal judge would have censured Montgomery County’s actions, having vindicated me.

    Presently, and for roughly the last 2585 days and counting, for nothing other than this “cover,” my Internet reputation equates me (1:1 correlation) with child abductors (some for the purposes of sex slavery), rapists, and murderers (“Police Impersonation” summaries attached); and with the Eastern District’s “findings,” based upon Montgomery County’s continued deception, this makes me out to be a further, if possible, deranged individual (not fit to live in decent society).
    With a few friends from church having confirmed my worst of fears (this Internet notoriety), having told me (to the effect): “their wives had come across my name, associated with this most-heinous crime,” until Montgomery County’s deliberate disinformation is removed from the Internet (at their expense), and a formal apology is posted (in like manner as the lie), any “reasonable man” would be fully cognizant of the need to morally and legally rectify this (intentional infliction of extreme emotional distress, coupled with utter economic destruction: $5414 earnings in 2015, etc.).

    Yours respectfully,

    Alfred Baack

    (per “Memorandum”)

    Whether or not having inadvertently unveiled Chinese/Korean human trafficking
    in “center city” Abington
    and having reported this to Assistant United States Attorney Lunkenheimer
    (and then after his death, to the (Castor) District Attorney’s Office)
    had placed me “in the radar screen ” with the Abington Police Department,
    with regard to “Impersonating a Police Officer (‘False ID,’ other articles/dates),”
    there had never been any element of any crime ever.

    how many defendants
    who had truly been “not guilty”
    had been demanded
    as I had (not once but twice)
    to have accepted ARD
    (and to have admitted guilt for a crime the Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office
    had known, had not been committed?)!

    and praise the LORD, He had given me the strength to say, “No;”
    taking this before the judge,
    and only this “cover” had been “laid to my charge”

    so you might all come to the Truth
    Jesus the Christ
    please consult “God’s Simple Plan of Salvation (.)org”

  3. (sub) for absolutely nothing other than, “(defendant) had had a ‘cover’ over his license plate,”
    my name is posted to the Internet for “Impersonating a Police Officer,”
    associating me with murderers, rapists, and child abductors (some for the purposes of sex-slavery)

    having reported human trafficking in Abintgon: yes

    ever any element of any crime: NO

    (public defender’s office J.Kravitz, copied, acknowledged e-mail)
    The Honorable Kevin R. Steele
    Montgomery County District Attorney
    Montgomery County Courthouse
    Norristown, PA

    Dear Mr. District Attorney:

    X X X . . .

    According to a (former) chief of police in Delaware County, who had been active when we had spoken and since retired, in order to “Impersonate a Police Officer,” the following elements of the crime are necessary:

    1) statement of being “police officer,”
    2) a badge,
    3) the respective ID, and
    4) “placing somebody under your alleged authority;” (and)

    all of these elements are absolutely required; and in the absence of any, this charge cannot be substantiated; and most specifically, without any badge, there is not any “police impersonation.”

    During my preliminary hearing the prosecution’s key witness had testified, “no badge (2)!” . . . NO BADGE, NO POLICE IMPERSONATION – (as noted to the magistrate by my first Assistant Public Defender, Theodore Swan), what had been Montgomery County’s justification for having “continued” any further action? (and, had I ever said, “I was police,” then why had there not been testimony accordingly during my final criminal hearing?) Had this not been “continued” after the preliminary hearing my name would not have been posted to the Internet.

    Then, after roughly 20 weeks in the court system, during my final criminal trial, just after having refused [twice] the assistant public defender’s demand to have pled guilty (ARD), all the prosecution had presented had been, “(defendant) had a ‘cover’ over his (vehicle) license plate.”

    Brady v Maryland ? !

    When considering the various aspects of “Impersonating a Police Officer” (an M-2, known to be frequently employed for the purposes of committing various felonies (murder, rape, and child abduction (some for the purposes of sex-slavery))), this is one of – if not the most – heinous of crimes imaginable – so now, for “(defendant) had had a ‘cover’ over his license plate,” anybody viewing this (account) on the Internet “continues” to wrongfully equate me (1:1 correlation) with utterly deranged individuals. To further prove this “visibility,” one Sunday after church somebody had told me, “they had been made aware (Internet) that I had been ‘in trouble with the police’;” and as I had mentioned in prior correspondence, which had gone unanswered, several weeks prior another friend had told me, “his wife had inadvertently discovered this matter on the Internet while searching an unrelated matter.” With these two recent “occurrences,” where I have been told directly, this only reinforces the logical thought process: “(that) $5414 in earnings for 2015 is a direct result of any background checks performed on me” (having destroyed both my business and employment prospects).

    (“probable cause” is crucial, as the federal judge in my civil suit, having not been told the truth, had ruled there had been [“probable cause”] to have had me arrested; and TO FURTHER ATTACK ME, according to Weisberg Law, the County wants to “tax/(sue)” me to recoup their expenditures, because this (my) suit had been frivolous)

    Each and every element of this crime (and “undercover” vehicle and alleged “false ID” attached) would only be contemplated by an utterly deranged individual. Since the Internet account does not include the testimony during my final criminal hearing, anybody reading this would most certainly believe the Abington Police had had some “probable cause” (at least 1 or more of the “elements”) to have had me charged/arrested. In considering the other crimes committed when one is “impersonating,” even though this had been dismissed, because not one “element” had (been proven to have) ever existed, my “permanent Google record” “continues” this “sentence,” which is worse than (for) murder. (if not “substantiated” during my final criminal hearing, how had these “elements” been presented to a federal judge as actual?)

    In light of this dilemma presented in the preceding paragraphs – and who knows how many people have not told me directly – in order for Montgomery County to prove their integrity, an immediate and public apology is imperative to reestablish my (previously untarnished) reputation.

    With Montgomery County having ignored my several/many prior communications, if an amicable solution is not outlined after this communication, I have prepared to (morally and legally) commence the necessary communications at both the state and federal level to seek the justification/exoneration I so rightly deserve. With the effects of this [lie] having made me out to be a monster, who is unfit to live in decent society, if those, who are comfortable with this lie [being “broadcast” over the Internet] about me are not willing to facilitate the truth, there will not be any moral dilemma for me to “herald” the truth (about their lies) in similar (moral and legal) manner.

    It is these “agents,” for whom Montgomery County is responsible, who have brought us to this juncture; and this communication is merely the direct result of the need to “bring me back to where my life had been before NOV/XX.” Had there ever been even one “element” of any crime, would there not have been a lawful duty to have presented testimony accordingly? Since there had not been, then why had the truth ( 1) no “statement of having been a police officer,” and 3) no ID) not been told during my preliminary hearing? In conjunction with the Commonwealth/prosecution’s key witness having negated “2) a badge,” and “4) placing somebody under any alleged authority” (preliminary hearing), where, outside of that, which had been “manufactured,” had there ever been any “element” (crime?)!

    If this apology is “out of your reach,” and/or Montgomery County is unwilling to correct this glaring “element” of my “Permanent Google Record,” with the extreme nature – and the current threats (to me) associated with this disinformation – this compels me to “raise this up the flagpole until somebody salutes it.” Anybody performing an “Internet Name Search” on me – as also further evidenced by missionary friends in England having entered “Alfred Baack” in the “search,” and this appearing first – will view me as having committed at least 1 or more of these “elements” (to possibly have endeavored to have committed one of the aforementioned felonies?)! Had any of my actions caused anybody in Montgomery County to have been wrongfully accused of something of the magnitude of this, they would be expecting of me the same as I am of you – to please correct this.

    (they lied about me, they can lied about you;
    and if anybody else has been so wronged in Montgomery County,
    please do not hesitate to contact me Baack(dot)Alfred (at) Gmail)

    Alfred Baack

    whether or not having stumbled upon and reported human trafficking
    on Route 611 (just south of Rubicam Avenue) in Abington
    had placed me “in the radar screen” with the PD
    with regard to “police impersonation”
    there had never been any element of any crime ever

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