The Legal Intelligencer has just reported that the head of the Right to Know office has been reinstated in Pennsylvania. New Governor Tom Wolf had removed him as soon as he was elected this year, on a campaign platform of government transparency. This ruling obviously is related to incriminating cell phone records being released in Centre County that exposed improper communications between two judges and a district attorney.
What the majority of Americans may not understand is how dangerous the doctrine of judicial review is, which has allowed this ruling..please click and read. The way that Jefferson had envisioned the country to run, is two branches of the government rule over the three. He was very much against judicial review. But what we have now is one branch ruling over all three. The Judicial Branch is self-regulating and has the final say over every decision in the country, while at the same time it is run by a private, non-profit entity of the American Bar Association. The bar is profit-oriented- not justice focused. This closed club has manipulated the court rules with that goal – and is not a mechanism for a democratic process as it was intended.
Today their ruling reinstating Arenson as the head of the Right To Know Office is a major blow to our democracy. In both issues, of Centre County and the Governor’s attempt to bring transparency through the Right to Know Office, the courts clearly have a conflict of interest. These matters need to go to the legislature – and not be under the control of judges and lawyers who have a lot to lose.