Tag Archives: article v
Marbury v. Madison
The Dangers of Judicial Review
This case in the year 1803 is the first time the U.S. Supreme Court over powered the other two branches of government. Thomas Jefferson warned about "Judicial Review" multiple times. Marbury was actually his cousin. In Pennsylvania, judicial review was invoked to repeal the Opening Meeting Laws, exempting them from public and legislative control.
Judicial review … Continue Reading ››
The Judicial Branch Removed Itself From the Checks And Balances System in the 1970’s
What happened described herein, spread to every state across the nation, beginning in the 1970’s, facilitated through the American Bar Association. If you do not live in Pennsylvania, the law was still most likely changed in the same manner in your state.. This was the self-exemption through the Supreme Court using the power of judicial review, from the Open Meeting Laws by the Judicial branches.
The Fog in the Sunshine Act
Decline of Democracy via the Unchecked Power of the Judicial Branch- Pennsylvania’s Demise
In 1968, after Article V Section 10(c) was amended to the State Constitution, the Judicial Branch imposed their own interpretation of “administrative” independence, as giving them powers – that are not intended under the Amendment. This resulted in the systematic exemption of the Judiciary from Open Meeting laws, .
1968 Pennsylvania Constitution Convention
Assistant U.S. Attorney Warned About Pennsylvania Constitution Article V Section 10(c)
1998 - Prediction from a future U.S. Attorney
"AN ABUSE OF POWER: How the Pennsylvania Supreme Court Uses Article V Section 10(c) of the Pennsylvania Constitution to Dominate Procedural Law-Making and Why Pennsylvania Should Amend This Constitutional Provision"
Jason Bologna, Esq. Copyright (c) 1998 Temple University of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education
(Jason Bologna is now an Assistant U.S. Attorney, based in Philadelphia, PA. He works for the U.S. Attorney General's office based in Washington DC. He was unable to get clearance to speak with me on this … Continue Reading ››
The Missing Link – Supreme Court Ends Transparency in Government
This letter and filed decision below, from the PA Supreme Court to Governor Milton Shapp- is a crucial link in the puzzle of rampant corruption that has infested our judicial system and the entire U.S. Government in general. In striking down this Act, they even go so far as to list other states that had done this, and most soon followed suit during this era in 1978.
By declaring the Governor's Act Title 42 Sec. 1703-unconsitutional, which mandated the Judiciary comply … Continue Reading ››
Pennsylvania As A Model
While this particular site uses Pennsylvania as a model or microcosm it applies to every state and national court system. One word can sum up the cause of the problem - greed. We are a capitalist nation that has lost its compassion at this point in our history. And without sounding too cliche', the root of the cause are lawyers. Their commercial industry has overtaken the most powerful branch of the government, the Judicial Branch - of the most powerful country on Earth. When the Judicial Branch is referred to, it encompasses both the state-level and federal-level branches … Continue Reading ››
1974 – Governor Shapp Orders State Attorney General to Review Sunshine Laws
Dear Governor Shapp:
You have requested that I prepare an opinion to make as clear as possible the full impact and intent of Act No. 175 of 1974, effective September 17, 1974, and known as the Sunshine Law. This opinion, subject to any future judicial order, shall be binding upon department heads, boards, commissions and officers of the Commonwealth as provided by Section 512 of the Administrative Code, but shall be only advisory as to other governmental bodies.