Judge Dan PelligriniJudge P. Kevin BrobsonJudge Gardner Colins
These three Senior judicial thugs decided that our "Legislators did not intend to include the Courts" in the Whistleblower laws. They pulled this stunt with a surrealistic opinion claiming that the Courts are not Commonwealth Agencies. Huh..come again?
Read it for yourself- Here an older man who worked for the Courts, clearly lost … Continue Reading ››
LOOK WHO HOLDS ALL THESE KEY OFFICIAL POSITIONS NOW OR JUST PREVIOUSLY..would it be odd if all these names were all Asian, Jewish or some other ethnicity? It does not look like it is Russia that is the "deep state" ...it appears it more like John Podesta and friends! There are a lot positions here that the citizens depend upon for ethics and law enforcement of public officials.
With the history of Italians and organized crime, and the massive amount of public corruption in this state, especially from its Judiciary..it … Continue Reading ››
If you are not tuning in to Pennsylvania's broadcast of their three-ring Judicial circus, you are really missing a great show. They desperately continue to reach into their designer brief cases and pull out tricks - but they are just not working. As Attorney General Kathleen Kane stated "They can arrest me ten times" but she will continue to do her job. Since her announcement of discovering thousands of pornographic emails on State servers, Kane has been indicted and has had her law license suspended - by senders of those … Continue Reading ››