Are Judges and Lawyers Around the Country Finally Realizing Its Game Over?

 While most mainstream media outlets are still on the judicial bandwagon, it appears that rather than get caught in the crossfire, some are starting CYA campaigns.   More journalists are exposing each day, that the lives of millions of Americans over the last fifty years, have been destroyed because of abuse of power and collusion by judges and attorneys.  A shadow government appears to have formed  in the judicial branch via what is essentially a lawyers union, -the American Bar Association with its state and county subsidiaries- that have continually manipulated court rules to block all avenues of protection and restitution against judicial misconduct.  It is estimated that 40,000 Americans are falsely imprisoned, and millions have had assets extorted by lawyers and judges  through intentional complicating of cases to increase legal fees, with nowhere to turn for help except  judicial conduct boards populated by these same bar members.   Americans are often essentially trapped for years, once they get involved in the court system.

 When you look at the increase in protection for judges and lawyers,  since the 1960s, it is easy to see it is designed to fuel their agenda. They claim that the internally devised policies of “confidential” self-policing, and absolute judicial immunity are necessary to maintain impartiality and “judicial independence.” However, at the same time, they proclaim that election campaign contributions do not interfere with their integrity,  even though most of the money is received from attorneys that appear before these judges. Add  self-assessment for their own disqualification, rule-making outside of the legislature along with unregulated hourly attorney fees, and you have the perfect venue for racketeering. There are some things with which capitalism just does not mix, and justice is one of them.

The American judicial system has been replaced by a legal industry over the course of decades, as it now focuses solely on the distribution of money, and not the delivery of justice. Court victims were in the dark, suffering alone until tens of thousands of complaints began to appear on the internet.  But change is coming – albeit slowly.  In Orange County, California- one unusual judge decided to ignore peer pressure from his fellow bar members,  and disqualified 250 prosecutors– citing a total infestation of corruption in their criminal justice system.    The Huffington Post reported that a new study finds that State crimes labs are paid per conviction.  supporting the report by the FBI that DNA evidence has been compromised in thousands of cases, over the last 15 years,  and may have resulted in false convictions.  

No state has been greater affected than Pennsylvania,  where two Senators have now demanded judicial reforms. In Centre County, PA, a judge and a district attorney were caught having ex parte communications, through subpoena of their cell phone records, which were handed over to two defense attorneys, by the new “Right to Know Office.”  This resulted in a major investigation , and the judge and attorney, insolently filing  lawsuits.  And who can forget the Luzerne County “Kids for Cash” scandal and the Penn State Sandusky pedophile case hidden for decades. Even now  in the Pennsylvania capitol, Attorney General Kathleen Kane, is in the middle of a battle regarding emails she discovered on the state server, between judges and lawyers, containing pornographic and racially-charged content.

The powers-that-be there have instituted a smear campaign to remove her from office before she can further expose the entire Judicial Branch. These emails already resulted in the resignation of PA Supreme Court Justice Seamus McCaffery , the suspension of Supreme Court Justice Michael Eakinand removal of dozens of  other government employees, many of whom are attorneys..

People entrusted with the most powerful offices were gifted absolute immunity from prosecution by the bar, a private “non-profit,’ which is the licensing entity for the legal profession.  Lawyers are the only profession that are not licensed by the government.  The majority of our legislators and elected officials are members of the bar associations.  Even more absurd is that federal judges have lifetime tenure on top of absolute immunity.  A professor of economics has presented empirical evidence that the implementation of judicial immunity was a grave error in our history, and where we took a very wrong turn.

kids_for_cash_key_image_-_courtesy_of_times_leader_publications Sunlight is the best disinfectant.  Thanks to the digital age, the resulting epidemic of corruption is being exposed by dedicated individuals who maintain their own websites and grassroots movements. Hopefully, the process to correct these abuses is about to accelerate -to abolish judicial immunity and force the judiciary to comply with the Open Meeting Laws and Sunshine Act –because this is where it started.. giving sovereignty back to the people- and re-empowering the constitutional principles upon which this country was founded.  



Yale Law Study Show Judicial Corruption a Major U.S. Problem
Yale Law Study Show Judicial Corruption a Major U.S. Problem
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