Deep State uses Legal Industry to Ripoff Americans to Fund Politicians
The legal industry designed for themselves, a faux Judicial Conduct Board whose operating procedures make no mention of protecting the public from judicial criminality. It states their only responsibility is to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which is a crooked sanctuary state that harvests votes of illegal aliens; no judge has ever been removed or prosecuted … Continue reading Deep State uses Legal Industry to Ripoff Americans to Fund Politicians
The Scam of Family Court – March 7, 2019 Testimony – Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
The below testimony is in regard to the deceptive means of funding bloated, unsustainable government budgets, by repulsively extorting assets from unsuspecting citizens through the sham of the family court system. The “court” does nothing but impoverish families and convert personal property into lavish lifestyles of greedy judges, public officials and government employees . 9,834 … Continue reading The Scam of Family Court – March 7, 2019 Testimony – Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
Judicial Accountability & Transparency Act
The Pennsylvania Citizen Act for Judicial Accountability and Transparency This Act Is A Response By The Citizens Of The State Of Pennsylvania To The Unconstitutional Exceeding Of Power And Jurisdiction By The Pennsylvania Judicial Branch, That Has Resulted In Immeasurable Incidents Of Denial Of Due Process, False Imprisonments, Undue Deprivation Of Personal and Real Property, … Continue reading Judicial Accountability & Transparency Act
Future U.S. Attorney Warns About PA Constitutional Amendment
AN ABUSE OF POWER: How the Pennsylvania Supreme Court Uses Article V Section 10(c) of the Pennsylvania Constitution to Dominate Procedural Law-Making and Why Pennsylvania Should Amend This Constitutional Provision Jason Bologna, Esq. Copyright (c) 1998 Temple University of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education (Jason Bologna is now an Assistant U.S. Attorney, based in … Continue reading Future U.S. Attorney Warns About PA Constitutional Amendment
Judiciary Defies the Call for Transparency
Article V Section 10(C) was put on a referendum to the voters in 1968. It was supposed to give the Pennsylvania Supreme Court “administrative” power over the Judicial Branch. However, the text of the amendment was somewhat ambiguous, and the manner in which the Judiciary began to use this power, exceeded that which the Executive … Continue reading Judiciary Defies the Call for Transparency
Montgomery County Citizen Complaints Against the Family Court Judicial Corruption
January 17, 2019, Montgomery County, PA Asset-stripping is the agenda of family court. It is NOT a social service as it claims to be. It is a criminal organization designed by criminals beginning in the 1970s… and has operated unconstrained because of the kleptocracy that has consumed Pennsylvania- which has F- regarding its courts according … Continue reading Montgomery County Citizen Complaints Against the Family Court Judicial Corruption
The cesspool of Pennsylvania is its Judiciary- filled with mobsters that designed it to fleece the public- especially in family court. Kids for Cash, Porngate and the entire traffic court bench fired. No matter- nothing has been done to provide oversight for these thugs. 7,111 Views

SCOPA Lawsuit Alleges Family Court Asset Stripping by Unchecked Judicial Corruption
One person, who wishes to remain anonymous at this time, has instituted a challenge to end this racketeering, without an attorney, against the entire Pennsylvania Court system and its agencies, with allegations based upon unlawful deprivation of personal property.
Suing the Opposing Attorney
Fifteen years ago, a neighbor came to my door, asking me to watch her son. She had three young children all under the age of six, and was on her way to court. Her husband had left her for another woman, and refused to sign off on their home so it could be sold. Her … Continue reading Suing the Opposing Attorney
Why Do You Keep Voting Them Back In?
These three Senior judicial thugs decided that our “Legislators did not intend to include the Courts” in the Whistleblower laws. They pulled this stunt with a surrealistic opinion claiming that the Courts are not Commonwealth Agencies. Huh..come again? 2,757 Views

The American Judicial Branch: A Magnet for Organized Crime and the Epitome of Failed Capitalism
Thanks to Shakespeare’s tongue-in-cheek infamous quote, we have become desensitized to the dishonesty of lawyers, but it’s no joke. They now populate the majority of the Legislature, the Executive and the Judicial Branches, and all lawyers belong to the same labor union – the State bar associations. This has effectively removed the separation of powers necessary … Continue reading The American Judicial Branch: A Magnet for Organized Crime and the Epitome of Failed Capitalism
Here is Why Federal Judge Anthony Scirica Is Dangerous to America
They control national security through FISA applications to and they have the power to destroy evidence of wiretaps. 9,040 Views
Letter to Governor Tom Wolf: People Being Executed In Pennsylvania for Not Submitting Hard Copies?
January 2, 2018 Governor Tom Wolf Office of the Governor 508 Main Capitol Building Harrisburg, PA 17120 Superior Court President Judge Susan Gantman 200 Four Falls Corp Ctr West Conshohocken 19428 Re: Dismissal of Appeal for Hard Copies? On August 14th and October 27, 2017, I had submitted briefs via the e-file system, on the … Continue reading Letter to Governor Tom Wolf: People Being Executed In Pennsylvania for Not Submitting Hard Copies?

America Wakes Up To Find Its Judicial Branch Infiltrated By Organized Crime
An epidemic of government corruption in America has led to economic decline, and social unrest. Evidence increasingly points to a major source as the Judicial Branch – the most powerful part of the government, expected to have the most integrity. It is no longer just conjecture, as citizen complaints of racketeering and misconduct by … Continue reading America Wakes Up To Find Its Judicial Branch Infiltrated By Organized Crime

DOJ Cites that Jailing Debtors is Unconstitutional…It May Be Time to Jail Judges Instead…
The former head of the Department of Justice Civil Rights division, Vanita Gupta, sent out a bold letter (below) before her resignation in 2016. What many courts consider a “routine administrative matter” of forcing defendants to pre-pay a “bond” or “bail” before they’re allowed to schedule a court date, or incarcerate a person for nonpayment … Continue reading DOJ Cites that Jailing Debtors is Unconstitutional…It May Be Time to Jail Judges Instead…

Sordid Backgrounds of Pennsylvania Judges
Updated May 31, 2017 When former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane received a campaign contribution from billionaire, twice convicted mobster Louis DeNaples, she returned it. But that did not stop the media in Pennsylvania from heavily reporting on it. The media further made a huge deal that District Attorney Stephen Zappala also got donations … Continue reading Sordid Backgrounds of Pennsylvania Judges

The Money Laundering Behind Chronic Judicial Corruption
The renowned journal the Legal Intelligencer recently revisited an embarrassing industry topic in an article entitled “Why Do Pennsylvania’s Courts Suffer From Chronic Scandal?” While the author included its numerous infamous scandals as evidence, they fell short in answering their own question. It is answered here. The failure to remedy the situation itself speaks volumes, with an … Continue reading The Money Laundering Behind Chronic Judicial Corruption
Prediction Realized: Downfall of the Pennsylvania Judiciary
AN ABUSE OF POWER: HOW THE PENNSYLVANIA SUPREME COURT USES ARTICLE V, SECTION 10(C) OF THE PENNSYLVANIA CONSTITUTION TO DOMINATE PROCEDURAL LAWMAKING, AND WHY PENNSYLVANIA SHOULD AMEND THIS CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISION Jason Bologna, Esq. Copyright (c) 1998 Temple University of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education Introduction James Madison once observed that “[t]he essence of government … Continue reading Prediction Realized: Downfall of the Pennsylvania Judiciary

Try Your Luck! Lawyers Fund For Client Security
One of the lesser known provisions of the U.S. legal system is a “safety net” called Lawyers Fund for Client Security, which comes under the The National Client Protection Organization, Inc. There are branches in almost every state in the country. These funds are supposed to provide restitution for theft perpetrated by attorneys, but it … Continue reading Try Your Luck! Lawyers Fund For Client Security

U.S. Department of Justice Claims No Due Process for Self-Represented
Due process is a right guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. However, anyone that has been involved with the courts, and represented themselves, already knows that pro se discrimination is real and its a crime that goes unpunished. If you are not a paying member of their club i.e. the bar association- you … Continue reading U.S. Department of Justice Claims No Due Process for Self-Represented
Pennsylvania Citizens Judicial Accountability & Transparency Act
The Pennsylvania Citizen Judicial Protection and Transparency Act This Act Is A Response By The Citizens Of The State Of Pennsylvania To The Unconstitutional Exceeding Of Power And Jurisdiction By The Pennsylvania Judicial Branch, That Has Resulted In Immeasurable Incidents Of Denial Of Due Process, False Imprisonments, Undue Deprivation Of Personal and Real Property, And … Continue reading Pennsylvania Citizens Judicial Accountability & Transparency Act
How To Sue the U.S. Federal Government
A REFRESHER ON THE FEDERAL TORT CLAIMS ACT: HOW TO SUE THE UNITED STATES By Richard W. Hendrix The Federal Tort Claims Act was enacted by Congress in 1946 in recognition of the inequities caused by the failure to permit tort suits against the United States Government. Prior to the enactment of the FTCA, private … Continue reading How To Sue the U.S. Federal Government
Impeached Federal Judges
There have been 69 federal justices’ impeachment investigations since the 18th century, as of 2015. The below list are the ones that were either removed or resigned from office to avoid public scrutiny. Its interesting to note how many judge were impeached before and after the Judiciary became self-regulating in the 1960’s. So many investigations – … Continue reading Impeached Federal Judges
Are You Serious About Change? Start with a Postage Stamp.
Please sign and print this out , and send to your State Representatives and Senators – or make an appointment with them and hand it to them personally. DOWNLOAD THE BELOW FORM HERE Legislation Proposals for Judicial Reform Reform Judicial Powers Misconduct Management Transparency & Public-Focused Courts Elimination of absolute judicial immunity – judges must be subject … Continue reading Are You Serious About Change? Start with a Postage Stamp.
Getting Started: Representing Yourself in Civil Court
THIS AREA OF THE SITE IS ALWAYS BEING UPDATED – SO CHECK BACK OFTEN Remember – No Lawyer Works for Their Client – They Work for Maximizing Billable Hours! You Can Do It I am not a lawyer, but have paralegal certification and have been pro se in multiple cases continually, since 2008. Since according to the … Continue reading Getting Started: Representing Yourself in Civil Court
Process of Court Rule Enactment in Other States
SUMMARY OF RULEMAKING AUTHORITY IN OTHER STATES Alabama The Alabama Constitution explicitly gives the Supreme Court authority to promulgate rules governing the administration, practice, and procedure in all courts but they may be changed by a general act of statewide application. The rules cannot: 1. change the substantive rights of any party; 2. affect the … Continue reading Process of Court Rule Enactment in Other States
Are The Inmates Running the Asylum In Your State?
COURT RULE ENACTMENT THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES NOTE: This research was done in 2008 – your state may have made changes in the laws – either increasing or decreasing the Judiciary Rule-Making power. Check the Open Meeting Laws also here. Checks and Balance between the Three Branches of Government Topic:CONSTITUTIONAL LAW; COURT PROCEDURE; COURTS; LEGISLATURES (GENERAL); December … Continue reading Are The Inmates Running the Asylum In Your State?
Sue The Opposing Attorney 2,496 Views
Police Abuse Case in PA
Subject: Complaint, asking for investigation Tioga County Jail, Wellsboro, PA.DOC:I have requested assistance from my local Warden Terry Browning who says I cannot file a grievance because I am not an inmate. Although I have been struggling with brain damage done in an illegal arrest by an officer of the law I had already turned … Continue reading Police Abuse Case in PA

Why does Pennsylvania Court System Hold the Record for the Most Corruption?
The short answer is Sicilian Mafia..the evidence here taken together with the below is indisputable. Don’t let anglicized names fool you. And this is just a small sampling of the disgusting things that are being protected by their goombas and associates in Harrisburg. And everyone knows the mob loves their bank- the Vatican! The question … Continue reading Why does Pennsylvania Court System Hold the Record for the Most Corruption?
Proving Fraud in a Residential Real Estate Transaction
Proving Fraud in a Residential Real Estate Transaction | The Legal Intelligencer Litigators know that proving fraud against a seller in the residential real estate context can be challenging and being awarded damages for fraud even more so. The recent decision in Floyd v. Wigfield, (Oct. 2014, Lehigh Co., No. 2012-C-4131), handed down this past … Continue reading Proving Fraud in a Residential Real Estate Transaction
1968 Pennsylvania Constitution Convention
Below is the agenda to amend the Pennsylvania Constitution in 1968. Within this document is the original wording of the amending of Article V Section 10 – giving the Judiciary ultimate power and exemption from all public oversight. It also contains the vague, misleading Ballot Referendum presented to the public to vote on this amendment, … Continue reading 1968 Pennsylvania Constitution Convention
Assistant U.S. Attorney Warned About Pennsylvania Constitution Article V Section 10(c)
1998 – Prediction from a future U.S. Attorney “AN ABUSE OF POWER: How the Pennsylvania Supreme Court Uses Article V Section 10(c) of the Pennsylvania Constitution to Dominate Procedural Law-Making and Why Pennsylvania Should Amend This Constitutional Provision” Jason Bologna, Esq. Copyright (c) 1998 Temple University of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education (Jason Bologna … Continue reading Assistant U.S. Attorney Warned About Pennsylvania Constitution Article V Section 10(c)
Pennsylvania As A Model
While this particular site uses Pennsylvania as a model or microcosm it applies to every state and national court system. One word can sum up the cause of the problem – greed. We are a capitalist nation that has lost its compassion at this point in our history. And without sounding too cliche’, the root … Continue reading Pennsylvania As A Model
1974 – Governor Shapp Orders State Attorney General to Review Sunshine Laws
Dear Governor Shapp:
You have requested that I prepare an opinion to make as clear as possible the full impact and intent of Act No. 175 of 1974, effective September 17, 1974, and known as the Sunshine Law. This opinion, subject to any future judicial order, shall be binding upon department heads, boards, commissions and officers of the Commonwealth as provided by Section 512 of the Administrative Code, but shall be only advisory as to other governmental bodies.