America Wakes Up To Find Its Judicial Branch Infiltrated By Organized Crime

An epidemic of government  corruption in America has led to economic decline, and social unrest.  Evidence increasingly points to a major source as the Judicial Branch – the most powerful part of the government,  expected to have the most integrity.   It is no longer just conjecture, as citizen complaints of racketeering and misconduct by members of the Judiciary, are rampant across social media.  A study published by Yale University Law School  supports this reality, that  judicial corruption is a major U.S. problem.

Over the course of decades, the American Judiciary has been replaced by a ruthless legal industry, structured strikingly similar to a tightly networked criminal enterprise. The most incomprehensible element  is the judges managed to get control of their own disciplinary process, making the participants in this widespread corruption, virtually untouchable. In retrospect, allowing the privilege of judicial immunity, with the independent “confidential” self-disciplinary process –  was a train wreck waiting to happen.  

The organized crime is so powerful and embedded they were able to remove the Pennsylvania Attorney General even after this courageous international interview exposing corruption in the Judiciary- even the FBI is compromised. What she is trying to tell the world is its Sicilian MAFIA that the state has been plagued with for decades and has compromised the entire nation:

The Judiciary members claimed these provisions are necessary to maintain their independence from outside influences, while simultaneously espousing that  campaign contributions do not interfere with their “independence,”  even though most of the money comes from attorneys that appear before them, creating an obligation for some form of repayment. The appointed federal judges are not above the moral bankruptcy, as their lifetime tenures are gifted after years of being teamplayers in this decayed system. Add the pretzel logic of allowing self-recusal for conflicts of interest,  with unregulated hourly attorney fees and you have the perfect crime syndicate.  Abused litigants will have identical descriptions of how judges cooperate with lawyers to drain personal savings, by facilitating masses of unnecessary filings, that go on for years- and often decades, to maximize legal fees. The outcome of the cases rarely have anything to do with the law- but more to do with the amount of dollars that will ultimately be dispersed to members of the legal profession.

Capitalism Does Not Mix with Justice

As what some refer to as the  black-robed mafia, there have been reports of judicial ties to businesses such as private prisons,  and the inmate food and email services. As covered in the nationally debuted documentary DivorceCorp, they turned the family court system into a $50 billion dollar a year industry nationwide, which has its own cottage industries of guardian ad litems, counselors and mediators, run through the law firms.  Lawyers incite child custody battles to extort money from parents, which often results in their homes being forced into foreclosure as revenue for county courts.  Class action lawsuits are a mere self-serving device which funnel millions of dollars to law firms, while the damaged parties receive miniscule percentages of the awarded compensation.

While the FBI is currently the only recourse, they impotently try to tackle the massive systemic fraud – one judge, one lawyer, one legislator at a time – as people struggle to survive being trapped in the court system, their lives and assets being wasted away. The Department of Justice reported that the court system in Ferguson, Missouri, was focused on revenue production rather than justice, in their investigation of its courts after the angry protests in that city. A task force was initiated in Connecticut, consisting of the FBI and other law enforcement agencies, resulting from massive complaints of family court extortion and abuse.  In Orange County, California- a judge  disqualified 250 prosecutors– citing a total infestation of corruption in their criminal justice system.

But perhaps no State has had more indictments of its judiciary members than Pennsylvania.  America only has to keep their eyes on Attorney General Kathleen Kane, to see just how difficult it is to remove the corruption from the system.  She has become a target of this ”good old boys network” and veritable crime syndicate, after she exposed them via release of thousands of pornographic and racist emails, and as seen in this  interview  aired nationally on CNN:

Over the last decade, Pennsylvania has had three Supreme Court Justices removed or forced to resign.  One was sentenced to  prison for campaign fraud, and two others have resigned for their involvement in what the media has coined  “Porngate,”  Two County judges are in prison for the well-known Kids for Cash scandal, after seven years of kickbacks for sending thousands of children to a private prison, and the entire Philadelphia traffic court bench was fired.  Another Pennsylvania County Judge resigned when he was caught texting with a District Attorney during litigation.

When citizens feel they are victims of judicial misconduct, the only remedy in most states is a judicial conduct or review board. However, the Pennsylvania Judicial Conduct Board had also apparently been compromised, as thousands of legitimate citizen complaints were ignored for decades.  Just recently  the Chief Counsel of the Board was found to have concealed his part in the election campaign of the Supreme Court Justice  implicated in the Porngate scandal, and taking part in the dismissal of that complaint.  There is a complete lack of oversight to the entire system.

The Decline In To Pay to Play

The mafiaesque courts focus solely on the distribution of money, and not the delivery of Justice. Court filing fees have become excessive. As an example, it costs over $400 to file a claim, and $500 for an appeal in Pennsylvania federal court. There seems to be no basis for this when the employees are already paid through your taxes. Just to view a docket online there are unexplainable fees. Recently a lawsuit was filed against PACER, the company that runs it.

The deterioration of the courts appears to have started in the late 1960’s.  The lawyers unionized through the American Bar Association, forming local branches in every state and county, and proceeded to obstruct access to appeals and jury trials.   Substitution of the word “shall” with the word “may” in every court rule, gave judges unbridled discretion. This allows them to make arbitrary decisions with no basis in the law- to rig the outcome of every case. The edited procedural court “rules,” are nothing more than a “Catch 22”- so people become trapped in litigation, that only ends when they are depleted of all of their funds. 

Much of this was accomplished outside of legislature by redesigning the procedural rules. Changes to increase “judicial discretion” has practically eliminated  jury trials,  putting the public  at the mercy of one judge.  Unless you can afford the “graft” i.e.  a campaign contribution or pay an expensive law firm, you will receive no justice.

The government will never announce a systemic problem, because that would open up the flood gates for demands for retrials and restitution that go back decades.  The lesson here is that the existence of a justice system based on profit has destroyed the integrity of the U.S. government.    Only by the efforts of  private citizens is there any shred of  hope that order will be restored to America.

Clearly, the Judicial Branch cannot police itself.  The checks and balances between the three branches of government needs to be restored.   Lawyers cannot serve in the Legislature, as they have a conflict of interest.  The local county bar associations must be demolished- they serve no purpose other than for devising conspiracies and collusion.   Next time you see a judge, think of the photo above – this is really what many of them are at the present time.  It is up to the citizens to take action, or it will remain this way for future generations.