All posts by admin

Judge Supports Suing an Opposing Attorney

Here Is The Priceless Information

It took Martin Luther King, Jr. over twenty years, to get enough people to actively participate in the civil rights movement of the 1960’s. This is where our trouble with the courts began. You can learn about it here. Since that time, the bar associations increased their power over the courts, to take away those rights that were fought for during that time. There is a lot of information

The Money Laundering Behind Chronic Judicial Corruption

The renowned journal the Legal Intelligencer recently revisited an embarrassing industry topic in an article entitled "Why Do Pennsylvania's Courts Suffer From Chronic Scandal?" While the author included its numerous infamous scandals as evidence, they fell short in answering their own question.  It is answered here. The failure to remedy the situation itself speaks volumes, with an  obvious aversion to interfering with the status quo...  the reason is simple and  not unique to Pennsylvania.

The legal industry is by far the largest source of political campaign funding  and it is dependent upon the judiciary … Continue Reading ››

Is Pennsylvania Government Run by the Mafia…Or is this just Non-Compliance with EEOC? Judge for Yourself!


LOOK WHO HOLDS   ALL THESE KEY OFFICIAL POSITIONS NOW OR JUST PREVIOUSLY..would it be odd if all these names were all Asian, Jewish or some other ethnicity? It does not look like it is Russia that is the "deep state" appears it more like John Podesta and friends! There are a lot positions here that the citizens depend upon for ethics and law enforcement of public officials. With the history of Italians and organized crime,  and the massive amount of public corruption in this state, especially from its … Continue Reading ››

The Black Hole at the Bottom of the Swamp

As President Trump  struggles to "make America great again"  the "draining of the swamp" has been self-effectuating. We just saw how some of that muck surfacing from the bottom,  could possibly have put themselves in control of national security. There is a larger lesson here to be learned  from the dog and pony show that three judges put on for the country.


As they say, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The legal challenges to President Trump's immigration ban has coincidentally uncovered a black hole containing the … Continue Reading ››

Clintongate versus Porngate: A Tale of Two Email Scandals That Just Doesn’t Add Up

The saga of Democrat and first female Pennsylvania Attorney General, Kathleen Kane, is an interesting contrast to that of Presidential Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton's quagmire regarding mishandling of official government emails.  In fact, the two women are, or were comrades and Clinton supported Kane's run for office in 2012. The difference of course is who they were up against and how much money they had to fight allegations, making the speed and timing of today's announcement that Clinton has been cleared a bit suspicious.

If you missed Pennsylvania's three-ring Judicial circus, coined "Porngate" by the media, it turned the … Continue Reading ››

Why Hurry When You Are Getting Paid by the Hour?

The unregulated,  unlimited ability of attorneys to charge their clients by the hour, for as many hours a week as possible,  is nothing more than an incentive to prolong cases. This is an abomination in this country.  The members of every bar association have used this to trap litigants in the court  system until they extort as much of their assets as possible.  There is no motivation for any attorney to ever expedite a case quickly, and in fact the current system has the exact opposite objective.  Judges … Continue Reading ››