Tag Archives: Pro Se

Judge Supports Suing an Opposing Attorney

Here Is The Priceless Information

It took Martin Luther King, Jr. over twenty years, to get enough people to actively participate in the civil rights movement of the 1960’s. This is where our trouble with the courts began. You can learn about it here. Since that time, the bar associations increased their power over the courts, to take away those rights that were fought for during that time. There is a lot of information

Bar Association Claims of Non Profit Doubtful


The biggest problem litigants often have is Pro Se (representing oneself) discrimination.  We often hear that people lose their homes and life savings from lawsuits.  The illusion here is that one party in a lawsuit loses, and has to pay the other party.   The fact is that people are financially devastated from attorney’s fees- not from the opposing parties.  Without a lawyer, no matter how skilled you are at writing and research, you will be victimized by unavoidable bias and collusion.  This is inevitable in a system … Continue Reading ››

Judge Claims Attorney Generals Cannot Investigate Themselves – But Judges Can?

crownblackThere is an excerpt  below from an article in the Nation's oldest legal publication, the Legal Intelligencer, that is now owned by Apax Partners LLP, a UK-based private equity and venture capital firm, headquartered in London, England. It appears we are still a colony run by the monarchy.  This is also probably why our court venues are still modeled by the archaic system in England, from which we supposedly separated in 1776.  Our system still includes "sovereign immunity" in the form of "judicial immunity" taken from the concept that "the king can … Continue Reading ››