Category Archives: Featured Page

Montgomery County Citizen Complaints Against the Family Court Judicial Corruption

January 17, 2019, Montgomery County, PA

Asset-stripping is the agenda of family court. It is NOT a social service as it claims to be.  It is a criminal organization designed by criminals beginning in the 1970s... and has operated unconstrained because of the kleptocracy that has consumed  Pennsylvania- which has F- regarding its courts according to the Center for Judicial Integrity.

Suing the Opposing Attorney

 Fifteen years ago, a neighbor came to my door, asking me to watch her son.  She had three young children all under the age of six, and was on her way to court. Her husband had left her for another woman, and refused to sign off on their home so it could be sold.  Her job alone was not enough to pay the mortgage, and he would have received a portion of the proceeds in equitable distribution.   The husband also rarely complied with child support, which would have been reduced had he … Continue Reading ››

Are You Serious About Change? Start with a Postage Stamp.




The Judicial Branch controls the government.  Under the doctrine of "judicial review" they have the final say in healthcare policy, taxes, education.. everything.  Judges.. i.e. lawyers, are the only profession not licensed by the government.  The American Bar Association has that authority.  This has resulted in an epidemic of corruption.

Removing the monetary incentive in the system is key. There should not be a price on justice. Currently, judges … Continue Reading ››

Are The Inmates Running the Asylum In Your State?


NOTE:  This research was done in 2008 - your state may have made changes in the laws - either increasing or decreasing the Judiciary Rule-Making power.  Check the Open Meeting Laws also here.

Checks and Balance between the Three Branches of Government


 December 30, 2008 2008-R-0430

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