The Judicial Branch controls the government. Under the doctrine of "judicial review" they have the final say in healthcare policy, taxes, education.. everything. Judges.. i.e. lawyers, are the only profession not licensed by the government. The American Bar Association has that authority. This has resulted in an epidemic of corruption.
Removing the monetary incentive in the system is key. There should not be a price on justice. Currently, judges … Continue Reading ››
“The once honorable profession of law now fully functions as a bottom-line business, driven by greed and the pursuit of power and wealth, even shaping the laws of the United States outside the elected Congress and state legislatures.”
NOTE: This research was done in 2008 - your state may have made changes in the laws - either increasing or decreasing the Judiciary Rule-Making power. Check the Open Meeting Laws also here.
Checks and Balance between the Three Branches of Government
December 30, 2008 2008-R-0430
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1998 - Prediction from a future U.S. Attorney
"AN ABUSE OF POWER: How the Pennsylvania Supreme Court Uses Article V Section 10(c) of the Pennsylvania Constitution to Dominate Procedural Law-Making and Why Pennsylvania Should Amend This Constitutional Provision"
Jason Bologna, Esq. Copyright (c) 1998 Temple University of the Commonwealth System of Higher Education
(Jason Bologna is now an Assistant U.S. Attorney, based in Philadelphia, PA. He works for the U.S. Attorney General's office based in Washington DC. He was unable to get clearance to speak with me on this … Continue Reading ››
Dear Governor Shapp:
You have requested that I prepare an opinion to make as clear as possible the full impact and intent of Act No. 175 of 1974, effective September 17, 1974, and known as the Sunshine Law. This opinion, subject to any future judicial order, shall be binding upon department heads, boards, commissions and officers of the Commonwealth as provided by Section 512 of the Administrative Code, but shall be only advisory as to other governmental bodies.