Horrendous Murder-Suicide: Another Family Falls Victim to the Pennsylvania Courts

BrokenScalesUpdate April 8, 2015:  It has since been confirmed that this was a murder suicide, and that Mr. Peppelman turned the chainsaw on himself, after killing his ex-wife.  Funeral services were held last week, at the Bryn Athyn Cathedral.

 The Peppelman’s have three children, all under the age of 14.  One of the younger children found his parents and called 911. It is confirmed that this was a highly contentious domestic relations issue, whereby the police had been called to the residence multiple times.  It is odd that the wife was at the house, considering she had moved out with the three children.  The children may have been coming home from school to the residence and were being picked up by the mother.

As a side note, the husband was represented by Lynn Gold-Bikin, a very high priced lawyer, whose office is located near the Montgomery County Court.  Ms. Gold-Bikin has been known to ask for retainers up to $250,000.  In speaking with a news reporter from Philly News, Jason Nark,  it was said that the wife’s  lawyer claimed the divorce was over.  However, he should request the invoices of this attorney- Cheryl Young  of Hangley Aronchick Segal Pudlin & Schiller LLC – and Ms. Gold-Bikin to see if continual services were being billed for – over custody or other monetary issues. Lynn Gold-Bikin is also representing Attorney General Kathleen Kane in her divorce.

March 31, 2015:  Just three months ago, this past December, Bradley Stone killed his wife and six members of her family in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.   The news media claimed that Stone, who was an Iraq veteran, suffered from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) usually attributed to combat. That story is here:   Montgomery County Shooting Spree Suspect Bradley Stone Found Dead

What they chose to ignore was that Stone was trapped in the Montgomery County family court system for approximately 10 years. That can also cause PTSD, known as Legal Abuse Syndrome. After the history of the family was revealed, Montgomery County District Attorney Risa Furman, made a comment regarding Stone – that “maybe he did not get his way in the custody battle he was involved in, but that’s no excuse. ”

Where is the excuse of the judges in Montgomery County who presided over another family court case,  that today resulted in another murder-suicide?  Is anyone seeing a pattern here?   Christopher Peppelman and his wife, Nicole, had been in a divorce battle for 5 years. In the quiet town of Lower Moreland,  the wife was found hacked to death by a chainsaw in their home, and the husband was also found dead, although the cause of death has not been released.   They were found by one of their children. As a resident of that small town, rumor has it,  that what precipitated the horrendous scene – involved the judges of Montgomery County family courts.

Judge Bertin, who is the same judge that Bradley Stone had, presided over this  divorce for a period of time. Judge Danielle also conducted hearings- this judge has had multiple complaints about her over the years. I have witnessed the behavior of both these judges first hand.  Judge Gail Weilheimer is new to the bench, and I have personal experience with her. Her loyalties clearly lie  with the people that funded her election campaign – the lawyers of the Montgomery County Bar Association.  As do most all of the judges in this county.  She issued the last order in this case.

For too long, the attorney hourly fee system, judicial immunity and judicial campaign contributions -invariably from attorneys that come before these judges- has been a prescription for racketeering. What the news media continually fails to address is that the court system is set up to provide profit, not justice. In family court, they  put a price on the child’s head.  Whoever gets the most custody time, even if its another 5%, has to pay the other party. You have to wonder why a judge would give 5% more time to one parent than another.   Just what is the going rate  for 5% custody of a child?

The answer is  that it creates controversy between the parties, and increases the hourly billing for attorneys. With no oversight to our self-regulating attorneys, who also serve as judges, this has gone on unchecked for decades. The Pennsylvania Judicial Conduct Board received over 750 complaints just this year – and addressed only five of them. They operate in secrecy and do not reveal complaints however, anyone who has been involved in the family courts will probably tell you that they submitted complaints to the Board, all dismissed. This is the same Board that ignored approximately 40 complaints over a period of seven years, regarding the two judges who were eventually convicted in the Kids for Cash Scandal, albeit not on charges for their actions on the bench. They were shielded by immunity laws, that the bar association slipped into the Constitution, without the consent of the people, in 1995.

Until the public demands change, by taking to the streets, it will continue. Our government never seems to understand anything else. The problem is that once you are trapped in the court system, you become  financially and emotionally disabled.

 There are those of us that are staying strong.   On May 4, 2015, there will be a rally for court reform in Harrisburg, PA.    If you live in the area or want to attend, and do not want your children to be left with this disasterous faux legal system, please create a login here and join us.

Thank you.