Tag Archives: Montgomery County

The Scam of Family Court – March 7, 2019 Testimony – Montgomery County, Pennsylvania

The below testimony is in regard to the deceptive means of funding bloated, unsustainable government budgets, by repulsively extorting assets from unsuspecting citizens through the sham of the family court system. The "court" does nothing but impoverish families and convert personal property into lavish lifestyles  of greedy judges, public officials and government employees .

Pennsylvania Attorney General Kane Won’t be Intimidated


If you are not tuning in to Pennsylvania's broadcast of their three-ring Judicial circus, you are really missing a great show.  They desperately continue to reach into their designer brief cases and pull out tricks - but they  are just not working.  As Attorney General Kathleen Kane stated "They can arrest me ten times" but she will continue to do her job.  Since her announcement of discovering  thousands of pornographic emails on State servers, Kane has been indicted  and has had her law license suspended - by senders of those … Continue Reading ››

Horrendous Murder-Suicide: Another Family Falls Victim to the Pennsylvania Courts

BrokenScalesUpdate April 8, 2015:  It has since been confirmed that this was a murder suicide, and that Mr. Peppelman turned the chainsaw on himself, after killing his ex-wife.  Funeral services were held last week, at the Bryn Athyn Cathedral.

 The Peppelman's have three children, all under the age of 14.  One of the younger children found his parents and called 911. It is confirmed that this was a highly contentious domestic relations issue, whereby the police had been called to the residence multiple times.  It is odd … Continue Reading ››