Category Archives: News and Views
Stalking by Litigation
Police Abuse Case in PA
Subject: Complaint, asking for investigation Tioga County Jail, Wellsboro, PA.
I have requested assistance from my local Warden Terry Browning who says I cannot file a grievance because I am not an inmate. Although I have been struggling with brain damage done in an illegal arrest by an officer of the law I had already turned in to Internal Affairs back in 2010 as the victim back then but for the same kind of problems as I have become victim of again by. I have requested asiatnce from the Warden and county … Continue Reading ››
The Fraternity – Judges and Lawyers in Collusion -by Judge John Fitzergerald Malloy
Why does Pennsylvania Court System Hold the Record for the Most Corruption?
A Loaded Word – “Treason”
The Judicial Branch Removed Itself From the Checks And Balances System in the 1970’s
What happened described herein, spread to every state across the nation, beginning in the 1970’s, facilitated through the American Bar Association. If you do not live in Pennsylvania, the law was still most likely changed in the same manner in your state.. This was the self-exemption through the Supreme Court using the power of judicial review, from the Open Meeting Laws by the Judicial branches.
Proving Fraud in a Residential Real Estate Transaction
Proving Fraud in a Residential Real Estate Transaction | The Legal Intelligencer